
Tuesday, 25. September 2012

What I do not like about autumn

10 Things I do not like about autumn:

1. Beeing constantly cold
2. That the birds are going
3. two weeks of overcast sky in november
4. waking up when in the dark - coming home in the dark
5. 5°C and light rain

6. Halloween
7. Having wet shoes and wet trouser legs
8. cabbage
9. All Hallows’ Day
10. brown, dead, wet heaps of leaves

Monday, 24. September 2012

What I do like about autumn

20 Things I do like about autumn:

1. Pumpkins and everything you make from them
2. It’s not so awfully hot anymore
3. You can wear more than one layer of clothing
4. Hot tea and a good book
5. The smell of mushrooms

6. The warm, golden light of autumn afternoons
7. Apples and apple tart (and apple strudel)
8. Autumn leaves
9. Cold mornings and warm afternoons
10. Gossamer strands covered with dew

11. Rosehip bushes
12. Taking a walk in the woods
13. Chestnuts of course!
14. Fog in the valley
15. The sound a heap of dry leaves makes when you walk through it

16. Indian summer
17. black crows and an overcast sky
18. Wearing ringed stockings and boots
19. Blackberries
20. ... and squirrels!

Sunday, 23. September 2012


autumn leaves

As of today it is now officially autumn.
The season I love the most.
A lot of my drawings are inspiered by autumn colours, lights and plants.

Saturday, 22. September 2012

Cheers Bilbo! Cheers Frodo!

O! What are you doing,
And where are you going?
Your ponies need shoeing!
The river is flowing!
O! tra-la-la-lally
here down in the valley!

O! What are you seeking,
And where are you making?
The faggots are reeking,
The bannocks are baking!
O! tril-lil-lil-lolly
the valley is jolly,
ha! ha!

O! Where are you going
With beards all a-wagging?
No knowing, no knowing
What brings Mister Baggins,
And Balin and Dwalin
down into the valley
in June
ha! ha!

O! Will you be staying,
Or will you be flying?
Your ponies are straying!
The daylight is dying!

To fly would be folly,
To stay would be jolly
And listen and hark
Till the end of the dark
to our tune
ha! ha!

(from 'The Hobbit' by J.R.R. Tolkien)

Wednesday, 19. September 2012

Click and Drag

Sorry to bother you with this sort of trifle, but I want to share todays xkcd-comic with you.
Providing you don’t know him alreaddy.

It’s huge! Bring time! Plenty of time!

Wednesday, 12. September 2012

Hamlet over Southern Germany

Erwachsensein wird völlig überbewertet says Soda who is one of the main components of Natron&Soda and author of Blog Hole Sun. (Take a look at her Blog - I especially love the titels she gives her posts. They are very creative and cool, mostly sounding like the titel of a 70’s rock song, while beeing still remotly connected to the theme of the post)

And because she’s right, of course, I’m still having the little blue elepant from the "Sendung mit der Maus" keeping me company when driving through hilly areas - which is nearly everyday.

Tuesday, 11. September 2012

last weekend

I spent last weekend meeting up with some dear friends, playing frisbee, eating cake and sitting around a campfire doing some sort of a spontaneous coalbiting.

It was really great! We sat ’till late at night, reading our favorite stories to another, listening to poetry and song (me, I don’t sing).
And all of it with a minimal amount of planing involved. We just did it .

Thank you guys, you are so great!
And since we did’t take any pictures - here’s one of a previous one.


Here’s the recipe for the pumpkin soup (should have read it to you):

You buy one small pumpkin. You need 700g of pumpkin flesh, so it’s best to buy one that weighs about 1kg.
Chop the pumpkin into medium cubes of approximately 2cm.

Also chop one onion into smal cubes and hackle three cloves of garlic and 3cm (or more) of ginger.

Fry the onion lightly using some olive oil.
Add garlic and ginger and fry for about one minute.
Now comes the pumpkin cubes which are fried for five minutes.
After that you add 1 teaspoon (or more) of ground cumin and stir-fry for one minute.

Then you add 1 tin of coconut milk and 700ml of vegetable broth and let everything cook for abour 15-20 min. or until the pumpkin is tender.
Let it cool a bit and then blend it.
You may add some more salt. But then again, you may not.

On a side note:
I started collecting walnut shells (the green ones) for brown pigment.

Tuesday, 4. September 2012

Awardse bzw Awardösen

Die liebe Alexia hat mir einen Award verliehen. Oder zwei, ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher ;). Aber ich denke sie meine Beide.
(Heute schreibe ich mal auf Deutsch - einfach weil mir danach ist)

liebster blog



Solche Awards zirkulieren ja schon seit gefühlten Ewigkeiten durchs Netz und nun sind sie also auch bei mir gelandet, was mich natürlich freut.

Natürlich hat so ein Award auch seine Regeln, die ich auch prompt missachten werde:

1. Poste den Award auf deinem Blog
2. Verlinke denjenigen der dir den Award geschenkt hat
3. Schenke 10 Bloggern diesen Award
4. Benachrichtige die Blogger, dass sie einen Award gewonnen haben
5. Der Award sollte nur an Blogger mit weniger als 250 Lesern gehen

Eine Awardrunde muss nämlich auch mal ein Ende finden, am besten noch bevor JEDER mal dran war. Sonst machts ja keinen Spaß.

Und deshalb erkläre ich diesen Blog hiermit zur Award-Sackgasse.
'Bitte gehen Sie weiter, es gibt nichts zu sehen'

Ich hoffe ihr nehmt es mir nicht übel :)

Tuesday, 4. September 2012

New gardening article(s)

Here’s a linkt to my latest articles on Experiment Selbstversorgung which are scheduled für tuesday and thursday this week.

There will be more news (and pictures!) from my balcony.

Wednesday, 29. August 2012

It’s oh so quiet

I’ve been very quiet for some time now, I know.

It’s partly because I’m still working too much,
but also because I’ve received visitors, concentrated on my gardening articles and also becauce it’s too hot to do anything other than complain.

But what with the end of august (and everything after) that’s going to change.

Die Rote IRis

Here Be Dragons

A Blog about

the things that got stuck in my head and therefore needed painting



Like what you see?

Feel free to leave a note.

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Current Contributions

Es war sehr schön, es...
Ich habe ein neues Blog. Ein anderes Blog. Ein besseres...
Die Rote IRis - 6. Jan, 13:36
The day I lost Peter...
Es war vor kurzem, ein paar Tage vor Weihnachten, ich...
Die Rote IRis - 22. Dec, 20:50
The truth shall make...
In my experience this sentence is all too true. Example?...
Die Rote IRis - 17. Dec, 20:41
24 Days Without Christmas:...
Die Rote IRis - 16. Dec, 13:20
24 Days Without Christmas:...
don’t blink See. Wasn’t that bad, was it? Have...
Die Rote IRis - 16. Dec, 13:12

I 'm reading

Kim Stanley Robinson
Red Mars

Terry Pratchett

Robin Hobb
City of Dragons

Robin Hobb
Dragon Haven

Robin Hobb
Dragon Keeper

Hope Mirrlees

David Eddings
The Diamond Throne (Book 1 on The Elenium)

Neil Gaiman
Marvel 1602

Jasper Fforde
One of our Thursdays is missing


If you think my use of the english language is awfully bad, please let me know. There is at least one more language I`m capable of using.





24 Days Without Christmas
Anderswelt 1.0
Anderswelt 2.0
My dear ...
The Gladden Fields - Project
vegetable paint
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