Anderswelt 2.0

Thursday, 7. June 2012

Captain Jack

After spending one day in the presence of a whole horde of chirping sparrow families I just had no chance but to invite one of them into my home.

sparrow sparrow

You will notice the cherry flowers on the bunch, which tells you that he lives here for some time now. I’m afraid I’m a bit behind schedule at the moment - some things just have to wait til they get told.

Wednesday, 9. May 2012

Going Medieval

Here’s the next part of my kitchen parade.
It’s a medievally inspired dame - and one of those pictures where I go from wanting-to-paint-somthing-and-being-not-really-sure-what-it-will-be to oh-look-what-I-did without this little inbetween step of thinking-about-the-thing-I’m-going-to-paint.


Dear Dreisam, since you asked ... the clothes are roughly inspiered by historic pieces - but nothing more!

Here’s an up to date view of the comlpete piece.


Hope you like it

Thursday, 3. May 2012


I’ve done another part of my kitchen parade.

Anderswelt 2.0

I’m not overly satisfied with how they turned out. What do you think?

They are right behind the pirate.

Anderswelt 2.0

Thursday, 5. April 2012

The wall had it comming

New drawing!
It’s one of those make-do pictures.
The wall next to our dishwasher got a few stains.
Our previous tennant had painted the wall yellow so there was no way of mending it without painting the whole side of the kitchen anew.
I went looking for the old wall paint I used years ago (because it’s waterproof) and guess what! It’s still OK after 10 years!
We had some latex paint too but sadly not the colourless variety.

As you may remember I had a vaguely similar problem in my old flat.
As you may remember I came up with this solution


This time I made every stain into a flower (because it’s springtime), and then I made some more flowers, and some dots and finally - because I couldn't help myself - a good deal more dots.
I like it.


What do you want me to paint next?
I thought about doing more Tolkien.
Also and there’s an ugly mirror in the bathroom which needs attention.
And I’d like some Futurama somewhere ...
And some Dr. Who!

Monday, 19. March 2012


In our kitchen there is a part that is tiled and one that is ... not.
The edge between these two variants stretches across half the room and I think it’s the perfert location for a parade.

First one to walk past is he or she (I’m not sure)


I don’t know how your crative process works, but when I set out to make something most of the time I only have a vague idea about what it’s going to be, but not more.

Same one this time. I thought about parades, an lets NOT do something female this time, no long fluttering skirts, no big hair ... ok, trousers then, trousers it is, and a frock-coat - I’m a sucker for frock-coats - and there he was, walking past, saying "remember pirate? - those were the days, eh!?!"

Lets do something pirate ...

So, here’s to awsome, and to let’s do it again sometime!


Thursday, 1. March 2012

Anderswelt 2.2

Here we go:

flowery - check
squiggles - ... check
bedroom - check

Anderswelt 2

Here’s a smaler picture of the whole corner.
It’s still all very unpacked, but I think it has potential.

Anderswelt 2

What do you think?
How about a art noveau bedroom?

Thursday, 16. February 2012

To The Sea

I’ve started. Now we have to stay.

Sice you’ve asked me to do more Tolkien-related stuff ...

Here are some Elves on their way to the bathtub Grey Havens.

To The Sea

They seem to be a bit on the barely-there-side. But thats all right, I think Elves simply are that way ...


I’ve just noticed that the last Elf looks kinda funny. I will change that later.

Die Rote IRis

Here Be Dragons

A Blog about

the things that got stuck in my head and therefore needed painting



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Current Contributions

Es war sehr schön, es...
Ich habe ein neues Blog. Ein anderes Blog. Ein besseres...
Die Rote IRis - 6. Jan, 13:36
The day I lost Peter...
Es war vor kurzem, ein paar Tage vor Weihnachten, ich...
Die Rote IRis - 22. Dec, 20:50
The truth shall make...
In my experience this sentence is all too true. Example?...
Die Rote IRis - 17. Dec, 20:41
24 Days Without Christmas:...
Die Rote IRis - 16. Dec, 13:20
24 Days Without Christmas:...
don’t blink See. Wasn’t that bad, was it? Have...
Die Rote IRis - 16. Dec, 13:12

I 'm reading

Kim Stanley Robinson
Red Mars

Terry Pratchett

Robin Hobb
City of Dragons

Robin Hobb
Dragon Haven

Robin Hobb
Dragon Keeper

Hope Mirrlees

David Eddings
The Diamond Throne (Book 1 on The Elenium)

Neil Gaiman
Marvel 1602

Jasper Fforde
One of our Thursdays is missing


If you think my use of the english language is awfully bad, please let me know. There is at least one more language I`m capable of using.





24 Days Without Christmas
Anderswelt 1.0
Anderswelt 2.0
My dear ...
The Gladden Fields - Project
vegetable paint
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