Not good
I ran out of book before I ran out of week.
I planed to aquire new reading material at the weekend but I finished my book (first in a trilogy) today. And now I have two workdays still to go ...
I tried reading some classical fantasy short stories by people like Lin Carter or Roger Zelazny, but .. that’s not really an option.
If don’t find anything readable soon, I’m going to be stuck with a book about vegetarian diet or maybe Erich Fromms 'Die Kunst des Liebens' - not really easylistening reading.
ps. sorry for the bad english :(
I planed to aquire new reading material at the weekend but I finished my book (first in a trilogy) today. And now I have two workdays still to go ...
I tried reading some classical fantasy short stories by people like Lin Carter or Roger Zelazny, but .. that’s not really an option.
If don’t find anything readable soon, I’m going to be stuck with a book about vegetarian diet or maybe Erich Fromms 'Die Kunst des Liebens' - not really easy
ps. sorry for the bad english :(
Die Rote IRis - 7. Jun, 20:48
Ich liiiebe Comics.. bin ja nicht so die Leseratte, was Romane und so betrifft^^ Und anfangs hab ich mich soo schwer getan, weil die meisten ja englisch sind, aber mit LEO daneben gehts :D
Einer meiner derzeitigen Lieblingscomics ist Strays: