In our kitchen there is a part that is tiled and one that is ... not.
The edge between these two variants stretches across half the room and I think it’s the perfert location for a parade.
First one to walk past is he or she (I’m not sure)

I don’t know how your crative process works, but when I set out to make something most of the time I only have a vague idea about what it’s going to be, but not more.
Same one this time. I thought about parades, an lets NOT do something female this time, no long fluttering skirts, no big hair ... ok, trousers then, trousers it is, and a frock-coat - I’m a sucker for frock-coats - and there he was, walking past, saying "remember pirate? - those were the days, eh!?!"
Lets do something pirate ...
So, here’s to awsome, and to let’s do it again sometime!
The edge between these two variants stretches across half the room and I think it’s the perfert location for a parade.
First one to walk past is he or she (I’m not sure)

I don’t know how your crative process works, but when I set out to make something most of the time I only have a vague idea about what it’s going to be, but not more.
Same one this time. I thought about parades, an lets NOT do something female this time, no long fluttering skirts, no big hair ... ok, trousers then, trousers it is, and a frock-coat - I’m a sucker for frock-coats - and there he was, walking past, saying "remember pirate? - those were the days, eh!?!"
Lets do something pirate ...
So, here’s to awsome, and to let’s do it again sometime!
Die Rote IRis - 19. Mar, 12:20