Saturday, 31. March 2012

It’s almost, but not quite, entirely unlike yellow

I think I’ve made some pigments. May as well be dirt, I’m not sure.

Remember the colour-sap?
I carefully added a few teaspoons of soda-water (sodium carbonate and water) to the sap. The Book said to use only a few drops but I ended using up about half a cup.
The sap begun to foam, which it should.
After vigorous stirring, the foam was sifted through a thin cloth.
A layer of ... foamy, muddy, greasy stuff remained and was stored in the sun to dry.

Now it looks like this, and it should be pigment.
Also it should be yellow.


I don’t know about you, but I’m not really impressed.
Nevertheless I will consult The Book and try to make watercolours out of it. One can never have enough ochre.

The remaining liquid seems to be also a kind of ochre.

and when painted and dried looks like this:


I don’t know what to do with it.
Maybe I’ll add some gum arabic to make ink.
Or I’ll concentrate it further to make these shell-thingies again.
Or I soak some tissue to make "Glue-size" (the german term is "Tüchleinfarbe")
Or ...
So much possibilities!
What do you thing?

Die Rote IRis

Here Be Dragons

A Blog about

the things that got stuck in my head and therefore needed painting



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Current Contributions

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I 'm reading

Kim Stanley Robinson
Red Mars

Terry Pratchett

Robin Hobb
City of Dragons

Robin Hobb
Dragon Haven

Robin Hobb
Dragon Keeper

Hope Mirrlees

David Eddings
The Diamond Throne (Book 1 on The Elenium)

Neil Gaiman
Marvel 1602

Jasper Fforde
One of our Thursdays is missing


If you think my use of the english language is awfully bad, please let me know. There is at least one more language I`m capable of using.





24 Days Without Christmas
Anderswelt 1.0
Anderswelt 2.0
My dear ...
The Gladden Fields - Project
vegetable paint
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